EXIT 6 A film by Chilean video artist Edgar Endress. An impressionistic record of a visit to a funfair. Watch (10.8Mb) - 4min 57sec
WAITING FOR Adapted from a video installation by Birgit Muller. The stories are based on experiences and memories of asylum seekers.
Watch (13.6Mb) - 6min 04sec
EDEN A poetic exploration of lost Utopias. Paradise as a nuclear landscape. By the Norwegian artist Heidi C Morstang. Watch (4.5Mb) - 2min 10sec
REMORSE Thanks to the World Wide Video Festival (see Links for details) for allowing us to screen this installation video created by Brazilian artist Éder Santos with music by Paulo Santos. Watch (10.9Mb) - 3min 17sec
IN BETWEEN A film by Norwegian artist Heidi Morstang. A shorter version of a digital video installation. Watch (8.2Mb) - 4min 33sec